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Recent Work



Wearable Sculpture and Performance

Continue to explore my interest in knitwear and masquerade. Bound is an evolution phase of my previous body of work. Incorporating the masquerade


idea throughout the garment, I extended the mask range to the whole body. In addition, I have a deep connection

with handcrafting, creating surfaces with strings (yarns); every detail in this garment was

hand-made by me. 


Moreover, like my previous works, Bound is not only about the garment

but a whole ensemble of immersive experiences that contain attire, performance, music,

and video. I worked with a professional performer for the most optimal effect of

the show, and I completed everything else in this work. As myfirst project in my graduate

program, Bound is a sketch of what I want to work on next.

Watch Live Performance:


Creative Performance





Cotton Yarn, Crochet Mask and Machine Knitted Structures

Witness is an experimentation with a different creative process in which the textile

inspired the character design and the garment design. The knit structure inspired

me to create a“goddess” character with thousands of eyes. The character is a memberof the masked society, in this society the characters have no physical distinction except thegarment and mask they put on.



Wool Yarn, Crochet Mask, Braids and Machine Knitted structures

Breeze is a half-body-sized mask with a pair of leg warmers. Breeze is an experiment withwool as a medium, combination of crafts, and the movement offibers and structures whenworn by a performer.

Textile Experiments

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